My Thoughts
Happiness or sadness, these are not the choices of our lives but throughout life we keep on believing that if we will, we can change what is written in our so called "fortune". Well we all have a life to live, we can decide what we want to have in our life but everything comes with a price. If there is sorrow then there comes joy attached with it. We just have to search for it. Searching for the meaning of life isn't that difficult but is very important. Some of we just tend to spend life as it is brought in front of us. Very few of us try to reach beyond our imagination and make it a reality, and those few succeed in life.
I am here to talk about my experiences and thoughts. We tend to seek happiness in almost every step of our life not knowing of or neglecting the fact that we have to put in some effort to get results. Being a student most of us will agree how we feel upon seeing our results. There's always been a period in everyone's life when despite of hard work we have put in the task, we just get failure. Taking that failure as the end of those hard work is human nature but making it a step towards success and learning from it is something beyond hard work. That not only provides us with the courage to tackle similar events in future but also ensures our success for that particular task. It is well said "Try try until you succeed".
We should never stop trying. The worst we can get from it is failure but that failure too will give us some idea about the task. If you are confused about doing a task, you should definitely do that task because even if we fail, we will get some great experience.
My life, I won't say has been full of ups and downs because there are lot more to come my way and I am on the phase of preparation for whatever life puts in front of me. As many years I have been on this earth, I have learnt things that shapes your future. Your hardwork, dedication, will, everything determines how you will be shaping your upcoming years.
Love is a beautiful gift from almighty. Love has the greatest power among every other feelings in life. Mother's love shapes the childhood of an infant, it gives them necessary knowledge about the environment s/he will be facing after the similar household experience. Love form parents/guardians are meant for the starting of a child's adventure called life. Then there's important place of siblings. They share their experiences with there life and guides us in our life. The rest of ourselves is showed to us by our partners in our love life. They bring out the good in us and show us what life beholds for us. We sometimes get the meaning of love as being physical attraction but it is anything else other than physical attraction. It is mental, psychological, etc that arises from within the soul. I have someone who actually has the string of my life which gets pulled every now and then when life tries to push me away. Its great to have someone who influence us. Don't leave those people in life who showed you the true meaning of life.
Live life loving your loved ones.