Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Most Valued Feeling

What is faith? Is it something that you show or something that helps you survive? What place does it have in your everyday life? Let's discuss something about faith this time. Just a five lettered word but yet a huge meaning and importance to one's life, sometimes defined related to godliness and sometimes to show just the belief in someone.

Faith is a simple word yet with a more precise significance. If you ask Google about faith, it would come up to with a bunch of different definition. Some of them might be as follows:
  • complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  • strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.
These are the words spoken by Google but what actually is faith for you?

We all have something to believe on. Some of us believe on god, some of us believe in hard work, some in time. If you ask for what faith is, the first person you think of in problems, is the one you have full faith in. As a child you walk without any fear, that's the faith you have on parents. As you grow up, you look up for suggestions from the loved ones, that's your faith on them. You marry someone and decide to spend whole life with them, that's faith you have upon your life. Faith is not a feeling alone, its a choice we get to make throughout our life whether or not to look upon something we have always lacked upon.

Love is faith in disguise. We have faith upon whoever we love with all our heart. If you ask me for a perfect example of faith, I have it ready for you and you might relate to it as well. No one of us know whether we get to live tomorrow or not. No one knows if we go to sleep today, we might not wake up but we all sleep setting up alarm for tomorrow, that's faith for me. We all have things planned for next day, that's faith. We all hope to see each other next day, that's faith.

Things to remember in life is that if you ever want something then start working for it, never let it be programmed for later, you won't know what might happen. If you have started to work for your dreams then remember two things, have patience and never lose faith on yourself. These two words, "faith" and "patience" are keys to success. Its not as hard as you make up by yourself, everything you do requires hard work and patience. Believe in yourself and achieve whatever you want in life.

Faith is like a little flower to blossom, let it grow and you will be amazed with the fragrance it gives out when it has bloomed. Have faith and work hard, hard work always pays off and every hurdles you have ever faced will get easier by the time.

If would like to share anything with me then please comment down below and please share. Thank you, have faith upon yourself.  

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Physical VS Mental Waste

Hearing the word "waste", what actually comes to your mind? Do you get pictures of those dirt and dust being thrown away? Or you get the picture of human waste lying around just everywhere. That's all but just the physical interpretation of waste but about the mental aspect. Have you ever thought that way, have you given the term a second angle of view. Well let me tell you what things you might consider. I have had these thoughts almost every time I tend to go in a deep thought about life.

Speaking about the waste, I never actually imagined about the physical waste but my views were clear for just more important concerns in life. We always had our concerns in our life, wasting so much of time which we could actually had invested in our dreams. Seeing a dream for yourself and someone you care is a noble thought but wasting your precious time just by overthinking it is not a productive thing. 

Yes, by the mental waste I actually meant about the psychological waste we gather throughout our life. We just waste so much of our time and energy over unwanted and unnecessary things that we forget to live and enjoy our happy times. We just gather those wastes that we could never recycle or reuse or even had any use in the first place. Every now and then we just travel with a burden of waste in our life.

We all are students of different discipline throughout our life. Every moment life teaches us a lesson that's either gonna make us or break us. But we are so busy in our problems that we waste so much of our opportunities that life gives us. We waste our time, the most precious thing a person could ever have, we throw our energy in unwanted things, we neglect those opportunities life gives us every moment. But who cares, we have problems of our own to tackle with. 

We get so much of trapped in our problems that we just think about it all the time. There is a way of getting it solved and getting over it just in front of us but just the thing we see is our problem. We have a single lifespan to make it great then why shall we waste it over small and unnecessary things.

We always wanted to be like someone in our entire life and some point we figure out that being like someone is not purpose of our life. I am not saying that we cannot be like someone but a hard work is something that counts. We can have someone as idol but can't be the same person. We waste our time being like someone we can never be and forget what true essence of being ourselves is. 

We have set of negative questions prepared for every moments happening in our life. If we get problems, we are prepared with "Why me?" but never we reply life back with "Try me". We instead of finding ways to solve problems, get trapped in the thoughts why just that happened and again "Why just me?". Problem, sorrow, trouble, obstacles, these are the ultimate truth of life, we cannot avoid them, we cannot deny them. We just tend to postpone them forward in life. Accepting and finding ways is the first and most important part of solution and rest of the solution just follows behind.

If you got a problem, just don't waste your time thinking over it and getting depressed. Try to find a back door to the problem that gives you the clear idea about solving them. Channel your energy towards the positive things in life and not making a fuss about problems you faced. If you ever failed in life, make it a step towards success, not a hurdle for your fall. Let the failure define your success. Let the effort you put into work define you determination not the time you waste to worry.

We are little creatures but have great determination, we have small mind but great imagination, we have limited strength but unlimited potential. If despite of having such great qualities we just waste them, then I am afraid to say but we have to question ourselves what our roots are and what have we been given birth for? 

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Painful but True

What is struggle for you? Is it something that you do to achieve something you always desired to get or is it something that you get all the time whenever you think of doing something? This particular word "struggle" has become "must-use" word in anyone's story. But what actually does the word "struggle" mean. 
According to the dictionary.com, "struggle is a determined effort under difficulties". So does it mean anyone and everyone who is having a bad time, is struggling through his/her life? Pretty unsure answer to pretty straight forward question right. Let me keep my point of view. I believe struggle is doing things constantly that you believe will lead to success but a long term one and not the immediate one. Keeping calm in such situation is real struggle, knowing your works are not generating immediate results yet sticking to the plans.

 Everyone in this world has their own part of struggle to discuss with but the success goes to the one who despite of hard times never loses calm and remembers those struggles only to see how successful s/he has been. I don't like the ones sharing or should I say boasting about their mini struggles which they see as the global problem. If you have had some milestones completed in your life, people should remind you of it not you should be reminding people. There should be a purpose for a life. There must be some dedication to fulfill that purpose of life and a true dedication brings out the success in ones life. 

Struggle brings out the inner you from within yourself. Like as an example, we all love to have a good physique, we love to have those lovely looking body but one those get them who struggle to have them. A weight might look heavier one day but constant devotion will make it look smaller some day.

Legends have struggled for noble cause, to free their nation, to feed their child but these days, the struggle is done to have a girl for yourself, it is done to fill the pocket. The true essence of the word has been lost.

On a concluding note, struggle is not something to boast about, the effort you put into that struggle shall speak for you. It is today's struggle that prepares you for tomorrow because a new day will always arrive with its own sets of challenges. So keep up your struggle for noble cause.  

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