One of the oldest and most required religion at present that world is in very much on the edge of extinction is Humanity. Its the only religion the world ever needed. People have always been like "Let's destroy it, will regret about it later." Due to the reason of some, all have to suffer in the end. Due to the inhumanly behaviour, we are losing our identity as the most superior species in the nature.
We have got solution for almost everything in this world but always failed to solve the humanity related troubles.
We human have always been superior. There was a chain of evolution that brought us to the position we are at present. We proudly call ourselves superior because we have been through a lot but the irony is that the troubles have been there just because of our own species. We human have been the only threat to ourselves. If there is anything that we require to be aware of, it's surely another human by our sides. We come to know when someone is trying to be saviour of some kind but don't even get to hear about the cruelty because the act of saving has been least in the number and can be counted on hands but cruelty is just uncountable.
There were times when humans used to be afraid of animals, they used to treat they as they required and that was the purpose of nature. The fiercest being used to be the one praised. There were boundaries between the line of control. The nature used to be well balanced. Everyone, every being, every species were in their correct and most favourable habitat. But as we see the human history, being favourable for every being is not what we want. We experiment around each and every thing that's meant to be the way it is by nature. We pet animals, get them away from their natural habitat and yet boast to maintain balance in nature.
Lets talk about the latest news of extinction, "Sudan, the last male northern white rhino." What have we been doing till now is really the cause of extinction of species that were meant to last longer than we human. As provided by our instinct, we boast ourselves to be the superior. During the whole lifespan, when the northern white rhinos were adequate in amount, they were poached by human. Its really so disgusting that what we human can do for ourselves. Not just this very species of animal but many others were our prey of inhumanity. There will be a day when we human as well become extinct by our own deeds.The extinction is one part of my story, but the irony is yet to begin. We human have been killing, destroying getting haywire with others habitat, lives and when there's just a few in number left, we try to find ways to save them.
Trying to save when we have just little left is just an irony of human nature. We have to save when we have in abundance, but we do it in different style. From the latest updates scientists have provided that they are trying to save the northern white rhino species by the help of there closest relative southern white rhinos, seriously!!! What's the point in being a human when we just go on destroying everything. And in the name of science, we continue our experiment and challenge the nature. Trying to save what is lost is not the best of ideas I guess. Its better we start saving whatever we are left with. If the experiment continues, then who knows, when the originality in every other species will be lost forever.
My point is that if we all become responsible towards what ever wrong or right thing we have been doing in our life, we will be able to provide a better future for ours and other species in this planet Earth. We all share the same common habitat, Earth, and none have the right to be the cause of anyone's extinction. Try to do whats your part to make this planet a happy place and you will start seeing the difference just before your eyes. We just have one place to live, lets make it happier for all.