Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Secrets to Stay Young

18 Till I Die

Being healthy and fit is a choice.  A choice that requires commitment, dedication and…just as important…the right attitude.  Too many people associate exercising, working out and eating healthy as a chore and something they have to do in order to lose weight and look a certain way. 
a healthy and happy life involves expressing it through your motions.

Looking older than you actually are is the most difficult thing a person can take to himself. All of us want that soft and cute skin a new born baby has. We want to look young forever. Many beauty products are tried upon to cover the aging but we forget about healthy and beautiful inner soul. Having beautiful and healthy soul, will never let you grow old.

Everyone wants to have the same body they used to have in their youth. The secret doesn't lie in the beauty products but in the inner belief. Few of the most common tips that one can follow on his/her busy schedule are listed below.

  1. Take a break: We all have that feeling when living further seems to have no meaning at all. That particular moment is caused by stress.  Recent studies show that stress causes physical changes in the body that can accelerate aging. Surges of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol cause blood pressure to rise and the heart to beat faster. These days, when our stressors seem unrelenting (a steady stream of job pressures, traffic jams, money problems), chronic doses of adrenaline and cortisol take a heavy toll on our physical and emotional health.The most effective way to halt this destructive chain of events is to meditate. The technique involves repeating a mantra — a word, sound, phrase, or prayer — for as little as 10 minutes a day. A 2005 study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston showed that meditation helped prevent age-related changes in the brain.
  2. Desire: Desire has become a dirty word in our society. It conjures up pictures of couples in a 1950’s movie clinging to each other with a look of desperation in their eyes. Desire has acquired a bit of a stink to it. Which is a great pity. Desire is the energy that propels us forward. It makes us want to stick around to see what happens next. Even a monk who desires nothing is driven by a strong desire—to desire nothing and connect with his higher Self. Nurture your desires. They serve as the canon which continuously launches you into life.
  3. Exercise: Not only does regular exercise help you lose weight, tone muscles, build healthier bones, and boost mood, it can also help you think clearly. Studies cited by the National Institute on Aging demonstrate a connection between physical exercise and better brain power. Walking for just 10 minutes a day lowers your risk of Alzheimer's by 40 percent. Physical conditioning reduces stress and anxiety, which wipe out your memory bank.
  4. Do Yoga: Yoga means union in Sanskrit. More energy, better posture, greater flexibility, improved mood, and less stress are just some of the rewards of this mind-body workout. "Through conscious yoga breathing, you become aware of the connection between mind and body." That translates into major anti-aging advantages. Yogic breathing has been shown to oxygenate the cells, ridding them of toxins, helping prevent illness, and making skin radiant.
  5. Make Love: Anyone who's ever fallen head over heels or discovered an activity that makes them eager to jump out of bed in the morning knows that passion is a powerful drug. The ability to embrace life boosts self-esteem, fuels the immune system, and improves cardiovascular health. Passion in bed can be particularly beneficial: Loving touches release hormones, including oxytocin, that reduce stress and anxiety. Doubling your amount of satisfying sex can add up to three years to your life.
    two olderly person still having their youth monemts

Any way, staying young has many things to do with your activities and the happiness you get through your life. Stay happy, stay healthy and look 18 till you die.

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