Anxiety and public speaking
Its obvious and normal to get
nervous about public speaking. It's something you ought to get rid of but can
even be used to overcome it. an average person ranks the fear of public
speaking more than fear of death. You feel nervous,
your palms sweat, your stomach ties itself into knots. You don’t want to do it.
You would rather do anything else than talk to someone.
In business, it is
essentially important for you to be able to get your point across. It is likely
that all of us will one day have to speak in public. Whether we are giving a
formal presentation to an audience, or simply asking our boss for a promotion,
speaking skills are essential to getting ahead in a professional setting.
There are few
specific ways that can be used as an guideline for yourself to be motivated
before your next speech.
Let the fear not overtake
Let the fear drive
you through you way but not take over you. Preparation and rehearsal take time
and effort. We need to be motivated to do it – and fear is a great motivator.
People without fear tend to skimp on preparation and rehearsal, they wing it.
So they waffle and ramble their way through their minutes on stage.
Let your fear
motivate you to prepare and rehearse and you’ll be a more effective speaker.
Choose how you can
interpret you fear positively:
Consider an example
where 2 patients who had their days counting to death were done an experiment. They
were told that they were going to be given with portion of medicine and poison.
One patient was given medicine and another poison but were told the other way. The
scientist found interesting thing as the person who was given poison but told
medicine survived few more days but the other one was found dead.
This study showed
that with a fear of death, even medicine wasn’t able to work properly whereas
even poison couldn’t kill other person as he believed he was going to live.
Hence choose the
positive way even if the fear drives you away from it, eventually you will
Don’t overthink
audience reaction:
There is sure to have
some people in audience who is busy texting or yawning or bored, none of those
has to matter with you. Don’t overthink that your speech is getting boring or
it isn’t making any sense to them because sitting in audience is easy but
stepping up and speaking to them in mass is difficult.

Use the adrenalin to
fuel your passion:
A totally relaxed and
laidback speaker is unlikely to show passion. To show passion you need to be
full of energy and excitement about sharing your message with the audience.
That comes from adrenalin. The same adrenalin that is making you nervous. Use
that adrenalin to fuel your passion.
So don’t fight your
nerves, make friends with them – and use them to make you a better speaker.
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